Want to grow your Salon or Spa Business to get your mojo back?

Then it’s time to learn the art of business from people who really know your industry, get your problems, walk the walk,and have the proven success in the industry.

Business Beyond Beauty Salon or Spa Management — Rene’s 11 tips to keep you growing and efficient

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Fellow industry business owners have amazing skills as therapists but may sometimes need some support and help in salon and spa management.

Speaking with many colleagues and owners in the beauty and spa industry, it saddens Justin and I to know they are so far from their maximum potential and that with a little guidance and business knowledge they could be enjoying the art of business alongside their art of their craft in beauty and hair.

Many times it can be lonely in business and we see a large number of people struggle everyday with salon and spa management concerns. We see some that perhaps are not tapping into their highest potential, while others are exhausted and completely spent from the demands of running a business in an ever changing world. Feeling overwhelmed and in isolation is common and life balance and profits are scarce.

To help, here are some of my salon and spa management tips to help you get your mojo back and reignite your passion for your business:

1 Tidy your office. You cannot be creative in a space that is messy and full of clutter. Plus, who wants to spend time in a messy office? You will find yourself procrastinating ON your business time. Make your space enticing to motivate you and help you stay organised.

2. Have a clear vision of where you want to grow to — like a business plan with marketing, staff, expansion, growth, financials etc keeps you on track to head towards your goals rather than getting sidetracked with bright and shiny ideas and opportunities that simply distract you from where you are wanting to be. Without a clear vision you are doing business by default not by intent. 

3. Make sure you have a 90 day salon or spa management action plan. These are bite-sized chunks of tasks to get you towards your vision.

4.  Block out set times for tasks. I often use a Pomodoro app to stay focused. Don’t fall into the infinity loop of emails or the black hole of Instagram. I don’t know about you but I can be lost in these bottomless pits for hours if I let myself. Set the first hour of the day as your Hour of Power.

5. Delegate to staff or hire an expert in that field do you spend your time doing the things that make the biggest return on investment. Write a list of all the things you do everyday and mark the ones that—- delegate. Eliminate tasks that don’t help you reach your goals altogether. Trust your staff to take on some of these tasks. This allows them to feel empowered and like they have taken ownership of something important. They feel valued like they have contributed. You may in fact find that Sometimes your staff have better ideas and methods than you do.

6. Treat it as though it’s rostered like you would a client booking.

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7. Regularly analyse your reports and figures and results. Then strategise to do it faster and cheaper.

8. Make sure you have Balance !!!! Work life balance.

9. Nowadays, salon or spa management means using the cloud to store your documents safely and be able to access anywhere on any device. There are loads of smart systems you can use. Take Google for example. They can store your protocols in Sites, your documents in Drive and Notes, and emails in GSuite. This makes it easy to access but also easy to share files with other contractors you may work with like your graphic artist for example. Business Beyond Beauty has loads of simple systems we use and can help you set up.

10. Accountability through a friend, partner or your Business Beyond Beauty mentor.

11. Just do it all and see what happens. It’s magic!

Jusin and I thrive in seeing fellow beauty and spa business owners achieve their goals and live their dreams. This is why we established Business Beyond Beauty. We can help with everything from branding, financials and profitability, systems, staff training, accountability and much more. 

AND we also can assist in training staff to consult, sell and achieve goals they never imagined.

We will guide you on the path to getting your salon and spa management mojo back and we can help you achieve the success you imagined when you decided to go into the beauty and hair industry as a business.

If you need mentoring and guidance, contact us at rene@businessbeyondbeauty.com or call us at +61 414 743 929.